You have a Facebook account dedicated to your company or to yourself and you wonder what would be the interest of a chatbot? You are asking the right question because the Facebook Messenger chatbot is a real gem. Discover why you should create a Facebook Messenger chatbot.
Save time
A chatbot is a robot designed to automatically answer certain questions asked by Internet users. It is very efficient in this field and is able to give special info to the people it interacts with. The Facebook Messenger chatbot allows companies to manage customers through the Facebook social network. It automatically answers some questions of the users in the absence of a person. It is programmed to provide answers to questions that are already programmed.
Instead of answering frequently asked questions by customers themselves, companies can opt for Messenger chatbots. Thus, they will automatically answer the questions of Internet users. This is an efficient way to save time. The creation of Facebook Messenger chatbots is free on some platforms and does not require any knowledge of code. So you don't need to look for a coding professional to have your Facebook Messenger chatbot. This saves you time and money.
Collect important data from customers
Most chatbots are tools that can improve themselves through the information they collect every day. Having a Facebook Messenger chatbot means owning a tool that improves on its own after its creation. Then, they are often able to collect some important data that you need. With this data, you can improve your company's performance and outperform your competitors in your field.
You can also programme your Facebook Messenger chatbot to do a survey among your customers. This will allow you to know the problems of each of them, what they want to have as services and what you need to improve. This is an important tool in developing a good strategy for your business.